
Punch cutting

Punch cutting
Punch cutting
  • Productno.: Stansning
Price for  1 
0,00 DKK
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At AAG, we have several punch cutting machines on which we can punch cut rubber in your desired shape. Our machines punch cut the item using a punch cutting tool that has been developed for your unique item and can punch cut both solid and cellular rubber. By using our punch cutting machines, the best utilization of the material is achieved.

  • Fast delivery
  • Usable production method for larger series
  • Cheap tools
  • Uniformity

We are ready to help whether you need small or large series. Contact us by phone +45 98 15 80 22 or email for more information.


AAG focuses on good design, lasting solutions and product innovation. We help you developing individual solutions regardless the size of your project and across all industries. Common to our solutions is our focus on you and your specific needs. The goal is to provide you with competitive benefits and visible results.



AAG makes contact with the entire market of raw rubber to find the best suppliers. Our supplier and dealer network are constantly expanding, and at the same time we treasure and keep close relations with our good existing suppliers and dealers. In this way, you get the best and most competitive product range.